Jack Sandercock, Honoured Alberta Ski Racing Volunteer, Passes Away

Jack SandercockAlberta Alpine extends its sympathy to the family of Jack Sandercock who passed away on Thursday, May 12, 2016. Jack was an Honoured Volunteer who was inducted into the The Canadian Rockies Ski Racing Hall of Fame in November 2015.

Ken Read writes of Mr. Sandercock: “The backbone of ski racing ensures our sport is exciting, fun and safe: rules, penalty calculations, safety standards, homologations, training of officials and race secretaries, committee work. The enormous extent of the work invested each and every year to make racing run smoothly is so often completely overlooked. Yet key individuals devote hundreds of hours annually to ensure it all works like a Swiss watch. For over forty-five years, this has been the world of Jack Sandercock….

Of his many ski racing volunteer highlights, he notes that two certainly were serving on the 1988 Olympics Alpine Events Organizing Committee and as Alberta TD coordinator to work with so many talented volunteers and coaches.”

Mr. Sandercock noted: “In the 2000/2001 Ski Racing Handbook, Alberta Alpine included 2 insights which I value,” said Jack. “These were: What other sport can bring the whole family together and FAST, FRIEND, FUN, FAMILY – and today I would add “FIT” as it applies not only to success in ski racing, but also to the foundation that ski racing brings for future achievements.  But to take forward, always have FUN!”

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