Covid-19 Update
To: AASA Membership
RE: Covid-19 Update
Dear AASA Membership,
Winter is fully upon us, and our athletes are training at their home resort and throughout the province. We have also started to Race again in the province after a year and a half of no racing at all. Thank you to the ROC for making sure that these races are safe and fun for all.
I want to thank everyone for following the AHS, AASA and your local ski resort Covid19 protocol’s. With everyone complying with these protocols, we will ensure that we have a safe and successful year of racing.
Now that children from ages 5 to 11 can get the Covid19 vaccine, AASA strong suggests that all eligible children in the age group of 5 to 11 get the vaccine. This goes along with the strong suggestion that all members get the vaccine when they are eligible, as well as the booster when eligible.
AASA will not be making any changes to the Race Protocols that are in place at this time, and we will advise of any changes should changes need to be made.
It has been so great seeing our athletes racing again, so please make sure that we all follow the AHS, AASA and Ski Resort’s protocols.
If you need any other information, please let me know. Best regards,
Patrick Gillespie
President of Alberta Alpine Ski Association