ASXT Athlete Journal: Zac Reynolds
Hey everyone, Zac here!
I would like to start off my athlete journal by saying that I hope everyone is staying healthy and sane during these difficult times while quarantined.
I am well and doing everything I can in order to stay healthy. These days I have been doing home workouts every day. My workouts include sprints, weighted lunges, weighted squats, core exercises and of course some upper body exercises as well. Although the gyms are closed I have found the motivation to do these workouts every day in order to be on track for next season.
With my season being cut short I was a little disappointed as I missed out on achieving one of my biggest goals which was to compete at World Junior Championships. Although it was canceled I am still pleased that I qualified and was selected to attend. I did accomplish my goal of forerunning the World Cup at Nakiska, what a great experience it was to be in a World Cup environment and around the best athletes the world has to offer. With that said, overall I had a good season and I am happy with my results. Although I am happy, I am still hungry for more and ready to achieve many more goals and accomplishments next season.
Last Tuesday I had the fantastic opportunity to go on my first mountain bike ride of the year with Alberta Ski Team athlete Caeden Caruthers as well as Alberta Alpine President Rob McCloskey. Although this was my first ride of the season it was also my first mountain bike ride in Alberta and it was great! We did a total of 18.3km, each six feet apart of course, and I am already eager for more!
Not only was it an amazing change of pace to be in the great outdoors but it was also nice to be around friendly faces and be able to have real conversations that didn’t involve a computer screen or a phone. Although quarantine is not over, with the parks and recreations in Alberta slowly opening back up I believe everyone will begin to regain sanity and morale will surely go up!
With such a positive experience getting back out in the mountains, I now have hope that the upcoming ski season will go off without a hitch. Although it may have a few restrictions, I am impatiently waiting to be able to be back on the slopes, clicking into my skis, and pulling out of the start gate once again!
Lastly, I would like to thank my coach JM, Alberta Alpine, the MSM World Cup Athlete Development Fund, the Mont Ste Marie Ski Club community, and everyone who supported me over the past season!
Once again stay healthy!
This has been Zac Reynolds, over and out!
Check out Zac’s Athlete Profile here.