ASXT Athlete Journal: Phil Tremblay

Hey Alberta ski racing fans!

I’m Phil Tremblay and I’m a second year athlete on the ASXT for 2020/21. After an awesome season last year which included my first World Cup start, this season has been a wild ride for a different reason. With COVID-19 restrictions not allowing us to travel between provinces as a team we’ve doubled down on our training here at home! We’ve spent a crazy amount of time on GS courses, which has proved useful and everyone on the team has shown some huge progress. Every day we’ve been trying to remind ourselves how lucky we are to be able to still be training as much as we are. A huge shout out is warranted to our three coaches Kya Fairley, J.M. Martel & Matt Carss as well as our S&C Coach Nate Morris who have all been working hard to keep us up and running.

Through these continuing trying times I thought everyone could use a little bit of humor! Please enjoy a few clips from the past little bit of training, put together A-La Pixar et. Owen Wilson!

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