ASXT 2020 Athlete Journal: Mara Bishop
Hola my dudes!
I am Mara Bishop from the Alberta Ski Cross Team. The ski cross season is nearing its end, but the team has had one amazing season! Our races in Calabogie were awesome, our team left with three thirds, three seconds, and one amazing first place. I finished 3rd and 2nd hitting the Nor Am podium for the first time in three years. The course in Calabogie was a bit disappointing since we had just competed on a smaller world cup track but with only having 7 volunteers the race went off without a hitch. The second race block in Calabogie I was amped for, hoping to keep improving and race even harder. Unfortunately in small finals on the first race day I hit my head and was left with a concussion and no ability to move head. The team pulled through the entirety of the eastern block with smiles on our faces, we are all so happy with the improvement in our skiing and the camaraderie we have built within the team.
We only had a week home in Calgary before flying out to the next race in Colorado. Our week home we stayed in the gym and did some jump training at Winsport. Jean Marc was an angel who drove from Calgary all the way to Ottawa and back with the trailer filled with our equipment. He only had two days at home before driving down to Colorado to meet the rest of the team in Denver to drive out to the last Nor Am of the year. Ski Cooper was an awesome race from what I heard, our team crushed it! Callum got second both days, Ryan got 3rd hitting the podium for the first time this season, Alexa left with a 3rd as well. I am so happy for my team!
The team was treated to a special day in Jackson Hole to rip up a well deserved free ski day in the best place ever. While I am stuck in Calgary recovering well, I feel very lucky to be able to work with CSI and Group 23 to get myself back on skis!
The team is heading into the last leg of the season, March holds one FIS race in Big White, BC and a handful of Europa Cup races which a few athletes from the team will go over to compete in. As well World Juniors are coming up and we have quite a few athletes who may be going but that is still up in the air. However, for this being the first year of the Ski Cross team I believe we did a great job showing that we are a force to be reckoned with. We wouldn’t be able to be the team that we are without our coach JM and the help from head office!
As always, thank you to everyone that has supported us this year! Being a part of the Alberta Alpine family has been wonderful.
Yours truly,
Check out Mara’s Athlete Profile here.