Alberta Official’s Update Agenda

The official’s update for Alberta will be presented on November 6, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  This course is open to officials of all levels.  In order to maintain your official accreditation, you must attend an update once every two years or take the next level course during that same 2 year time period.

Homework PDF
Agenda PDF

2021 Agenda

Item Start Finish Duration
Introductions/Opening Comments


9:00 9:05 5 Min
Quiz questions


9:05 9:20 15 Min
Rule Changes


9:20 9:35 15 Min
Case Studies 1 and 2


9:35 9:55 20 Min
Covid Protocols


9:55 10:00 5 Min
Penalty and Timing Calculations


10:00 10:30 30 Min
Break 10:30 10:40 10 Min
Safe Sport and Officials Training


10:40 11:00 20 Min
Case Studies 3 and 4


11:00 11:20 20 Min
DSQ or not DSQ – Videos


11:20 11:30 10 Min
Clean Hill Initiative


11:30 11:35 5 Min
Case Study 5 and 6


11:35 11:55 20 Min
Use of Social Media 11:55 12:00 5 Min
End of Update/Break for TD’s and TDC’s 12:00 12:10 10 Min
Training update and assignments 12:10 1:00