AGM 2016 Recap


Saturday, September 24th marked Alberta Alpine’s Annual General Meeting at RedTail Landing in Nisku, AB. The attending members received presentations from the Chair, the President, Athletics Director, the North and South Zone Chairs, the Association’s auditor and the nomination committee.

After 3 years as chair of the board, Bob Leitch stepped down from his position and will serve as past chair for the next year. He thanked the board for their support through these past years as they looked and found resolutions to hard situations and stated it was “an honor to work alongside dedicated people.”  Leitch also thanked everyone personally for their time and contribution to the sport. “This is an awesome team and it is a pleasure working with you. Most importantly thank you to the volunteers who enable AA to support alpine skiing and its athletes in the province.”

Three members retired from the board this AGM. Gilbert Wall, Janet Russell and Mitch Soetaert all had served faithfully for many years on the board. Bob Leitch recognized each of them for their outstanding service and presented them with an Alberta Alpine engraved silver belt buckle as a customary token of the Association’s appreciation.

At the recommendation of the nominating committee, five new board member were elected by acclimation. Terry Mix, Todd Rutter, David Chen, Trevor White and Greg Sylvestre will join Gregg Ferguson, Doug Airey, Howie Cook and Scott Wallace on the board, with Robb Beeman as the new chair, Joanne Gray as vice-chair and Bob Leitch as past chair.

To learn more and review the 2016 AGM presentations on our website, follow the ‘About’ tab and look under ‘Board of Directors’.

Next year’s AGM is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 30th, 2017