AASA Strategic Plan 2018-2022
The Purpose of the Strategic Plan Document: This document will provide guidance for the annual operation plan of Alberta Alpine Ski Association during the period 2018-2022.
Our Mission: Development and delivery of opportunities for individual growth, enjoyment, and excellence in the sport of alpine ski racing and ski cross.
Our Vision: To lead, inspire, and support athletes in world-leading programs in alpine ski racing and ski cross.
Supporting the athlete is the priority of AASA. We have identified areas we can influence, encourage, and support (Athlete Inputs), and the desired outcome AASA programs will have on the personal growth and success of each member athlete (Athlete Outputs).
AASA has established a hierarchy to illustrate our primary focus as an association. The building blocks of this focus have been established as key ambitions and strategic priorities for Alberta Alpine.
Click on the thumbnail image below to see the complete Strategic Plan