AASA COVID-19 Update
To: All Alberta Alpine Ski Association Members
Re: AHS COVID-19 Update of November 24, 2020
As most of you have heard, the Alberta Government has announced some new and very strict restrictions to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
These new restrictions will have a devastating effect to all our Clubs activities for at least the next 3 weeks.
The Government has indicated that groups can apply for exemptions and AASA will be immediately applying for an exemption for training. A second exemption letter will be submitted for any racing that will be within that 3-week period.
I thank all of you for your hard work at creating your Club COVID-19 protocols and the outstanding job that each of you have been doing in keeping our athletes, coaches, volunteers and home hills safe.
I will inform you of updates as they become available.
Best regards,
Patrick Gillespie
President of Alberta Alpine Ski Association