U14 Series Finals….A Success!
Despite April weather offering a sample of all 4 seasons, the U14 athletes finished their ski season with a number of personal bests, a handful of medals/ribbons, and ear-to-ear grins throughout a successful race series at Panorama Mountain Resort.
In addition to Panorama’s own Cassidy Gray (Canadian National Women’s Alpine Ski Team) providing an inspirational message while handing out awards, the athletes were treated to festival-like environment with live music, popcorn and Powerade, while meeting new friends in both the resort pools and ski hill wide game of “man-tracker”.
A special congratulations to the U14 Finals Series winners Alex Madra (FAST) and Eric Ward (PANO) as well as all the athletes who persevered over 3 days of racing.
We’d also like to thank the events title sponsors CF Construction and Volker Stevin, as well as Genstar Developments for sponsoring the U14 Finals hats! The series was also supported by Anthem United, Kal Tire, KIDCO, Excel Homes, Marmot Construction, RGO, and Scotia Wealth Management.
AASA wants to thank Team Panorama, the ROC, all the volunteers, coaches and Panorama Mountain Resort for putting on such a great event.
Congratulations to all the athletes and we wish you all best in the off-season.