Nancy Greene Ski League (NGSL)


Nancy Green Ski League / U12 Race Series

The Nancy Greene Ski League is a national program, inaugurated shortly after Nancy Greene Raine’s Gold Medal win at the 1968 Grenoble Olympic Winter Games. Since then, the program has been successful in introducing thousands of children to alpine skiing. Many of Canada’s top international skiers received their early training in Nancy Greene Ski League programs (NGSL).

The program introduces children to basic ski techniques and skills, basic safety rules, and teamwork. Enjoyment of the sport and the mountain environment is also emphasized. The program is aligned with the Skier Essentials and Learn to Train phases of the ACA Long Term Skier Development Model, and the ACA Snow Stars Skill Achievements Program.

The Nancy Greene Ski League also introduces children to competition. These events, held at the club, zone, and provincial level, provide young skiers the opportunity to test the skills they have learned in the program in a fun and friendly environment. The emphasis in competition is placed on individual progress, team results, camaraderie, and fair play.

Entry Level programming and competition is considered all programming for athletes aged 4-11 years of age. There are two primary age categories U12 (10-11 year olds) and U10 (4-9 years old), however additional age categories can be used for awards at events (U8, U6).

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Competitors aged 4 to 11 (as of December 31st of the current year).

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Skier Essentials – Learn to Train.

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Club, Zone, Provincial.


There are two levels of competition, U12 Provincial Series Races and NGSL North and South Zone Races.

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U12 Provincial Series Races

U12 Provincial Races are only for athletes aged 10 and 11 from all clubs in Alberta. There will be Four to Five events on the calendar that will use SL, Kinder Kombi, paneled and dual SL, ski cross and GS as their race formats. The goal of this race series is to prepare the athlete for their future in U14 The U12 Provincial race should remain the main competition focus for u12 (10 and 11 year old) athletes. All U12 races will be run in single run race format. These races will be set to the U12 course setting rules as outlined in the AASA Course Setting Rules. For a U12 athlete in a 55-75 day program, they should target between 8-12 days of racing. All U12 races will be posted on the AASA calendar

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NGSL North & South Zone Races.

Zone NGSL Races are for both the U12 and U10 age categories. Clubs must race with in their Zone. The U10 NGSL zone races remain focused on u10 and below aged athletes. These races will be set to the U10 race rules as outlined in the AASA Course Setting Rules. For a u10 in a 47-55 day program they should target approximately 6 days of racing. For u8 and below in a 47 day program they should target approximately 4 days of racing. All NGSL races will be posted on the AASA calendar.


Clubs have been assigned to one of two different zones based on geographical location and registered entry level numbers in that area. U12 athletes can participate in both the U12 Provincial events their club’s zone races.

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North zone

Clubs: Cold Lake, Drumheller, ESC, Fort McMurray, Nitehawk, Parkland, Rabbit Hill, Red Deer, Snow Valley, Sunridge, Valley.

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south zone

Clubs: Snoflyers, COP, Elkwater, FAST, Mount Allan, Skimeisters, Sunshine, Westcastle, Bow Valley Quickies, Jasper, Lake Louise, Team Panorama, Team Panorama.

club programming

Clubs have the most important role in Entry Level programming. These are the essential years in providing an environment to enhance the skill development of our young ski racers.Clubs should actively engage in selection of starts for u12 & u10 athletes.

U12 aged programming and below should provide maximum time for our skiers to learn skills and develop a love for the sport. Please refer to the Alberta Alpine Club Program Guidelines or the Alpine Canada Alpin AIM 2 WIN for more details on program information for these age groups. Clubs are still welcome to host club events or inter club challenges; however these will not be calendared on the Alberta Alpine website.



Each participant must be a member in good standing of an Alberta Alpine Club and registered member of the Alberta Alpine Nancy Greene Ski

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Each coach must be a member in good standing as an accredited ACA CSC coach.

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Races and events must be sanctioned by Alberta Alpine and Alpine Canada.

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TD’s for all sanctioned races will be appointed by AASA and the AASA officials chair and TD coordinator

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Clubs are expected to be proactive in coach education and to work with Alberta Alpine to up- skill their coaching staffs. This includes providing coaching mentorship for coaches working toward full ACA CSC certification as Entry Level

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Important Race and Event Rules

This is a partial list; details of the rules for Alpine Ski Racing are detailed in the ICR. Please see: for further information, or contact the Alberta Alpine office.

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The ICR Children’s rules, Alpine Canada Alpine guidelines, and the Alberta Alpine NGSL Course setting rules, Race & Event Rules govern Nancy Greene Ski League events in

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The use of crash helmets is compulsory for all events. Helmets used must be specifically designed and manufactured for Alpine Ski

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The use of mouth protection and back protectors specifically designed for Alpine Ski racing is strongly recommended for all

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Speed suits are permitted at all NGSL Zone and U12

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NGSL races are seeded in club order, which is determined by random draw. U12 races are seeded by individual, which is determined by random draw. Please refer to the Alberta Alpine event guidelines for specific

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The host club, in conjunction with Alberta Alpine, will decide the maximum quota of racers from visiting teams if venue capacity is an

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All racers must be accompanied by a certified coach during course

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The Team Captain’s Meeting should be held the night before, or the morning of the first day of racing.

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Awards should be within one hour of the end of the race and should last less than 30 Awards per categories determined by the host club, but U12, U10, U8, U6 are recommended.

Races calendar

North Zone

Click on the "Go To Race Calendar" button on the right or below to navigate to the North Zone NGSL Race Series.

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North Zone NGSLRace Series 2021

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South Zone

Click on the "Go To Race Calendar" button on the right or below to navigate to the South Zone NGSL Race Series.

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South Zone NGSL Race Series 2021

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U12 Race

Click on the "Go To Race Calendar" button on the right or below to navigate to the U12 Race Series.

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U12 RACE Series 2021

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Snow stars Program


Snow Stars, Alpine Canada’s skill development program for young skiers, will guide children, parents and coaches through the appropriate skill progression. The goal of Snow Stars is to provide a solid foundation and knowledge base – physical, technical, tactical, and mental – to build children’s athletic abilities.

The Snow Stars Program consists of seven levels, which prioritize key skills that children need to progress from beginner to advanced levels of ski racing. Each level is a guide for the coach to design a training plan that ensures competency in fundamental motor skills and fundamental skiing skills.

Children will also learn about ski safety, cooperation, independence, listening skills, self-confidence, goal-setting, group/peer learning and task focused activities.

Further information about the Snow Stars Program can be found in the Snow Stars Parents and Coaches Manual and from your program Head Coach.

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Competitors aged 4 to 11 (as of December 31st of the current year).

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Skier Essentials – Learn to Train.

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Clubs and Ski Areas.

Jasper Junior Olympics VideoNGSL & U12 Memo

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